AAFA Developer Support

Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 cpp_quote("//=---------------------------------------------------------------------=")
00003 cpp_quote("//")
00004 cpp_quote("// This file was GENERATED for the AAF SDK")
00005 cpp_quote("//")
00006 cpp_quote("// $Id: AAFTypes.idl,v 1.18 2012/06/26 20:54:40 jptrainor Exp $ $Name:  $")
00007 cpp_quote("//")
00008 cpp_quote("// The contents of this file are subject to the AAF SDK Public Source")
00009 cpp_quote("// License Agreement Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); You may not use this")
00010 cpp_quote("// file except in compliance with the License.  The License is available")
00011 cpp_quote("// in AAFSDKPSL.TXT, or you may obtain a copy of the License from the")
00012 cpp_quote("// Advanced Media Workflow Association, Inc., or its successor.")
00013 cpp_quote("//")
00014 cpp_quote("// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\"")
00015 cpp_quote("// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See")
00016 cpp_quote("// the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations")
00017 cpp_quote("// under the License.  Refer to Section 3.3 of the License for proper use")
00018 cpp_quote("// of this Exhibit.")
00019 cpp_quote("//")
00020 cpp_quote("// WARNING:  Please contact the Advanced Media Workflow Association,")
00021 cpp_quote("// Inc., for more information about any additional licenses to")
00022 cpp_quote("// intellectual property covering the AAF Standard that may be required")
00023 cpp_quote("// to create and distribute AAF compliant products.")
00024 cpp_quote("// (http://www.amwa.tv/policies).")
00025 cpp_quote("//")
00026 cpp_quote("// Copyright Notices:")
00027 cpp_quote("// The Original Code of this file is Copyright 1998-2012, licensor of the")
00028 cpp_quote("// Advanced Media Workflow Association.  All rights reserved.")
00029 cpp_quote("//")
00030 cpp_quote("// The Initial Developer of the Original Code of this file and the")
00031 cpp_quote("// licensor of the Advanced Media Workflow Association is")
00032 cpp_quote("// Avid Technology.")
00033 cpp_quote("// All rights reserved.")
00034 cpp_quote("//")
00035 cpp_quote("//=---------------------------------------------------------------------=")
00039 #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS
00040 import "wtypes.idl";
00041 #endif
00043 [
00044     uuid(B1A2137B-1A7D-11D2-BF78-00104BC9156D),
00045     pointer_default(unique)
00046 ]
00048 interface IAAFTypes
00049 {
00051 cpp_quote("/*") 
00052 cpp_quote(" * Basic types that don't depend on other types.") 
00053 cpp_quote(" */") 
00056 cpp_quote("#if 0") 
00057 cpp_quote("// MIDL only defintion for 64 bit integer") 
00059 #if ((!defined(MIDL_PASS) || defined(__midl)) && (!defined(_M_IX86) || (defined(_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS) && _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS >= 64)))
00061 typedef signed char                     aafInt8;
00062 typedef signed short int        aafInt16;
00063 typedef signed int                      aafInt32;
00065 typedef unsigned char           aafUInt8;
00066 typedef unsigned short int      aafUInt16;
00067 typedef unsigned int            aafUInt32;
00069 typedef hyper                   aafInt64;
00070 typedef unsigned hyper          aafUInt64;
00072 typedef wchar_t                 aafWChar;
00073 typedef wchar_t                 aafCharacter;
00075 #else
00076 #error Using an incompatible midl host compiler!
00077 #endif
00079 cpp_quote("#else") 
00080 cpp_quote("#include \"AAFPlatform.h\"")
00082 cpp_quote("#endif  // #if 0") 
00085 typedef unsigned char * aafMemPtr_t;
00087 typedef aafInt32                AAFRESULT;
00089 cpp_quote("#ifndef NULL") 
00090 cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus") 
00091 cpp_quote("#define NULL (0L)") 
00092 cpp_quote("#else") 
00093 cpp_quote("#define NULL ((void *)0L)") 
00094 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00095 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00097 typedef aafInt32 aafBoolean_t;
00098 typedef enum _aafBoolean_e
00099 {
00100   kAAFFalse = 0,
00101   kAAFTrue = 1
00102 } aafBoolean_e;
00104 cpp_quote("#ifndef MAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS") 
00105 cpp_quote("#define MAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS 8 /* limit on the size of component arrays */") 
00106 cpp_quote("#if 0") 
00107 typedef aafInt32 aafMAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS;
00108 typedef enum _aafMAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS_e
00109 {
00110   MAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS = 8                                // Lower to 6 to match type object
00111 } aafMAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS_e;
00112 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00113 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00116 cpp_quote("#if 0") 
00117 typedef [string] aafCharacter * aafString_t;
00118 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00119 cpp_quote("typedef aafCharacter * aafString_t;") 
00121 cpp_quote("/************************************************************") 
00122 cpp_quote(" *") 
00123 cpp_quote(" * AAF types that map to an integral type or pointer to") 
00124 cpp_quote(" *  integeral type.") 
00125 cpp_quote(" *") 
00126 cpp_quote(" * These each map to an existing integral type or pointer.  Note") 
00127 cpp_quote(" * that aafClassID_t is a structure used to hold storage for a") 
00128 cpp_quote(" * classID, but most functions take an aafClassIDPtr_t reference.") 
00129 cpp_quote(" *") 
00130 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/") 
00132 cpp_quote("/*** Types for all components***/") 
00133 typedef aafInt64                aafLength_t;
00135 cpp_quote("/*** Types for mob slots***/") 
00136 typedef aafInt64                aafPosition_t;
00137 typedef aafInt64                aafFrameOffset_t;
00138 typedef aafInt64                aafFrameLength_t;
00139 typedef aafUInt32       aafSlotID_t;  
00141 typedef aafUInt32               aafNumSlots_t;
00142 typedef struct _aafUID_t   aafClassID_t;
00143 typedef aafUInt8        *aafDataValue_t;
00145 // Used by all api methods that need to access an array of bytes.
00146 typedef aafUInt8        *aafDataBuffer_t;
00149 cpp_quote("/*** Types for operation groups ***/") 
00150 typedef struct _aafUID_t   aafArgIDType_t;
00152 cpp_quote("/*** Types for plugins ***/") 
00153 typedef struct _aafUID_t        aafHardwarePlatform_t;
00154 typedef struct _aafUID_t        aafEngine_t;
00155 typedef struct _aafUID_t        aafPluginAPI_t;
00156 typedef struct _aafUID_t        aafCodecID_t;
00158 cpp_quote("/* typedefs for image processing */") 
00159 typedef aafUInt8            aafCompSizeArray_t[MAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS];
00160 typedef aafInt8             aafCompArray_t[MAX_NUM_RGBA_COMPS];
00161 typedef aafInt32                aafVideoLineMap_t[2];
00162 typedef aafInt32                aafJPEGTableID_t; /* for TIFF objects */
00164 cpp_quote("/************************************************************") 
00165 cpp_quote(" *") 
00166 cpp_quote(" * Enumerated AAF types.") 
00167 cpp_quote(" *") 
00168 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/") 
00170 typedef aafInt32 aafFileRev_t;
00171 typedef enum _aafFileRev_e
00172 {
00173   kAAFRev1 = 0,
00174   kAAFRev2 = 1
00175 } aafFileRev_e;
00177 typedef aafInt32 aafMediaOpenMode_t;
00178 typedef enum _aafMediaOpenMode_e
00179 {
00180         kAAFMediaOpenReadOnly = 0, 
00181         kAAFMediaOpenAppend = 1
00182 } aafMediaOpenMode_e;
00184 typedef aafInt32 aafFieldDom_t;
00185 typedef enum _aafFieldDom_e
00186 {
00187         kAAFDominantField1 = 0, 
00188         kAAFDominantField2 = 1, 
00189         kAAFNoDominant = 2
00190 } aafFieldDom_e;
00192 typedef aafInt32 aafFieldTop_t;
00193 typedef enum _aafFieldTop_e
00194 {
00195         kAAFTopField1 = 0, 
00196         kAAFTopField2 = 1, 
00197         kAAFTopFieldNone = 2
00198 } aafFieldTop_e;
00200 typedef aafInt32 aafAlphaTransparency_t;
00201 typedef enum _aafAlphaTransparency_e
00202 {
00203         kAAFMinValueTransparent = 0,
00204         kAAFMaxValueTransparent = 1
00205 } aafAlphaTransparency_e;
00207 typedef aafInt32 aafFieldNumber_t;
00208 typedef enum _aafFieldNumber_e
00209 {
00210         kAAFUnspecifiedField = 0,
00211         kAAFFieldOne = 1,
00212         kAAFFieldTwo = 2
00213 } aafFieldNumber_e;
00215 typedef aafInt32 aafPixelFormat_t;
00216 typedef enum _aafPixelFormat_e
00217 {
00218         kAAFPixNone = 0, 
00219         kAAFPixRGBA = 1, 
00220         kAAFPixYUV = 2
00221 } aafPixelFormat_e;
00224 typedef aafInt32 aafFileExistence_t;
00225 typedef enum _aafFileExistence_e
00226 {
00227   kAAFFileExistence_new = 1,
00228   kAAFFileExistence_existing = 2
00229 } aafFileExistence_e;
00232 typedef aafInt32 aafFileAccess_t;
00233 typedef enum _aafFileAccess_e
00234 {
00235   kAAFFileAccess_none  = 0,
00236   kAAFFileAccess_read  = 1 << 0,
00237   kAAFFileAccess_write = 1 << 1,
00238   kAAFFileAccess_modify = kAAFFileAccess_read | kAAFFileAccess_write
00239 } aafFileAccess_e;
00242 typedef aafInt32 aafJPEGcomponent_t;
00243 cpp_quote("#if 0") 
00244 typedef enum _aafJPEGcomponent_e
00245 {
00246         kAAFJcLuminance = 0, 
00247         kAAFJcChrominance = 1, 
00248         kAAFJcLuminanceFP16 = 2, 
00249         kAAFJcChrominanceFP16 = 3
00250 } aafJPEGcomponent_e;
00251 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00253 cpp_quote("typedef enum _aafJPEGcomponent_e") 
00254 cpp_quote("{") 
00255 cpp_quote("kAAFJcLuminance = 0,")  
00256 cpp_quote("kAAFJcChrominance = 1") 
00257 cpp_quote("#if ! defined(STANDARD_JPEG_Q)") 
00258 cpp_quote(", kAAFJcLuminanceFP16 = 2,")  
00259 cpp_quote("kAAFJcChrominanceFP16 = 3") 
00260 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00261 cpp_quote("} aafJPEGcomponent_e;") 
00263 typedef aafInt32 aafCompressEnable_t;
00264 typedef enum _aafCompressEnable_e
00265 {
00266         kAAFCompressionEnable = 0, /*--cf ? Replaced SDK with AAF */
00267         kAAFCompressionDisable = 1 /*--cf ? Replaced SDK with AAF */       
00268 } aafCompressEnable_e;
00270 typedef aafInt32 aafFileFormat_t;
00271 typedef enum _aafFileFormat_e
00272 {
00273         kAAFEssence = 0, /*--cf changed iMedia to Essense as per Tom's request */
00274         kAAFForeignMedia = 1
00275 } aafFileFormat_e;
00277 typedef aafInt32 aafDropType_t;
00278 typedef enum _aafDropType_e
00279 {
00280         kAAFTcNonDrop = 0, 
00281         kAAFTcDrop = 1
00282 } aafDropType_e;
00284 typedef aafInt32 aafFrameLayout_t;
00285 typedef enum _aafFrameLayout_e
00286 {
00287         kAAFFullFrame = 0, 
00288         kAAFSeparateFields = 1, 
00289         kAAFOneField = 2, 
00290         kAAFMixedFields = 3,
00291         kAAFSegmentedFrame = 4
00292 } aafFrameLayout_e;
00294 typedef aafInt32 aafElectroSpatialFormulation_t;
00295 typedef enum _aafElectroSpatialFormulation_e
00296 {
00297         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_Default = 0, 
00298         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_TwoChannelMode = 1, 
00299         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_SingleChannelMode = 2, 
00300         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_PrimarySecondaryMode = 3,
00301         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_StereophonicMode = 4,
00302         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_SingleChannelDoubleSamplingFrequencyMode = 7,
00303         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_StereoLeftChannelDoubleSamplingFrequencyMode = 8,
00304         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_StereoRightChannelDoubleSamplingFrequencyMode = 9,
00305         kAAFElectroSpatialFormulation_MultiChannelMode = 15
00306 } aafElectroSpatialFormulation_e;
00308 typedef aafInt32 aafEmphasisType_t;
00309 typedef enum _aafEmphasisType_e
00310 {
00311         kAAFEmphasis_Unknown = 0,
00312         kAAFEmphasis_Reserved0 = 1,
00313         kAAFEmphasis_Reserved1 = 2,
00314         kAAFEmphasis_Reserved2 = 3,
00315         kAAFEmphasis_None = 4,
00316         kAAFEmphasis_Reserved3 = 5,
00317         kAAFEmphasis_15and50 = 6,
00318         kAAFEmphasis_ITU = 7
00319 } aafEmphasisType_e;
00321 typedef aafInt32 aafAuxBitsModeType_t;
00322 typedef enum _aafAuxBitsModeType_e
00323 {
00324         kAAFAuxBitsMode_NotDefined = 0,
00325         kAAFAuxBitsMode_MainAudioSampleData = 1,
00326         kAAFAuxBitsMode_SingleCoordinationSignal = 2,
00327         kAAFAuxBitsMode_UserDefined = 3,
00328         kAAFAuxBitsMode_Reserved0 = 4,
00329         kAAFAuxBitsMode_Reserved1 = 5,
00330         kAAFAuxBitsMode_Reserved2 = 6,
00331         kAAFAuxBitsMode_Reserved3 = 7
00332 } aafAuxBitsModeType_e;
00334 typedef aafInt32 aafChannelStatusModeType_t;
00335 typedef enum _aafChannelStatusModeType_e
00336 {
00337         kAAFChannelStatusMode_None = 0,
00338         kAAFChannelStatusMode_Minimum = 1,
00339         kAAFChannelStatusMode_Standard = 2,
00340         kAAFChannelStatusMode_Fixed = 3,
00341         kAAFChannelStatusMode_Stream = 4,
00342         kAAFChannelStatusMode_Essence = 5
00343 } aafChannelStatusModeType_e;
00345 typedef aafInt32 aafUserDataModeType_t;
00346 typedef enum _aafUserDataModeType_e
00347 {
00348         kAAFUserDataMode_NotDefined = 0,
00349         kAAFUserDataMode_192BitBlockStructure = 1,
00350         kAAFUserDataMode_AES18 = 2,
00351         kAAFUserDataMode_UserDefined = 3,
00352         kAAFUserDataMode_IEC = 4,
00353         kAAFUserDataMode_Metadata = 5,
00354         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved0 = 6,
00355         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved1 = 7,
00356         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved2 = 8,
00357         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved3 = 9,
00358         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved4 = 10,
00359         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved5 = 11,
00360         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved6 = 12,
00361         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved7 = 13,
00362         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved8 = 14,
00363         kAAFUserDataMode_Reserved9 = 15
00364 } aafUserDataModeType_e;
00366 typedef aafInt32 aafSignalStandard_t;
00367 typedef enum _aafSignalStandard_e
00368 {
00369         kAAFSignalStandard_None = 0,
00370         kAAFSignalStandard_ITU601 = 1,
00371         kAAFSignalStandard_ITU1358 = 2,
00372         kAAFSignalStandard_SMPTE347M = 3,
00373         kAAFSignalStandard_SMPTE274M = 4,
00374         kAAFSignalStandard_SMPTE296M = 5,
00375         kAAFSignalStandard_SMPTE349M = 6
00376 } aafSignalStandard_e;
00378 typedef aafInt32 aafScanningDirection_t;
00379 typedef enum _aafScanningDirection_e
00380 {
00381         kAAFScanningDirection_LeftToRightTopToBottom = 0,
00382         kAAFScanningDirection_RightToLeftTopToBottom = 1,
00383         kAAFScanningDirection_LeftToRightBottomToTop = 2,
00384         kAAFScanningDirection_RightToLeftBottomToTop = 3,
00385         kAAFScanningDirection_TopToBottomLeftToRight = 4,
00386         kAAFScanningDirection_TopToBottomRightToLeft = 5,
00387         kAAFScanningDirection_BottomToTopLeftToRight = 6,
00388         kAAFScanningDirection_BottomToTopRightToLeft = 7
00389 } aafScanningDirection_e;
00391 typedef aafInt32 aafContentScanningType_t;
00392 typedef enum _aafContentScanningType_e
00393 {
00394         kAAFContentScanning_NotKnown = 0,
00395         kAAFContentScanning_Progressive = 1,
00396         kAAFContentScanning_Interlace = 2,
00397         kAAFContentScanning_Mixed = 3
00398 } aafContentScanningType_e;
00400 typedef aafInt32 aafTitleAlignmentType_t;
00401 typedef enum _aafTitleAlignmentType_e
00402 {
00403         kAAFTitleAlignment_Left = 0,
00404         kAAFTitleAlignment_Center = 1,
00405         kAAFTitleAlignment_Right = 2
00406 } aafTitleAlignmentType_e;
00408 typedef aafInt32 aafColorSiting_t;
00409 typedef enum _aafColorSiting_e
00410 {
00411         kAAFCoSiting = 0, 
00412         kAAFAveraging = 1, 
00413         kAAFThreeTap = 2,
00414         kAAFQuincunx = 3, 
00415         kAAFRec601 = 4, 
00416         kAAFUnknownSiting = 255
00417 } aafColorSiting_e;
00419 typedef aafInt32 aafPropertyOpt_t;
00420 typedef enum _aafPropertyOpt_e
00421 {
00422         kAAFPropRequired = 0,
00423         kAAFPropOptional = 1
00424 } aafPropertyOpt_e;
00426 typedef aafInt32 AAFDataDefinitionMatch_t;
00427 typedef enum _AAFDataDefinitionMatch_e
00428 {
00429         kAAFExactMatch = 0,
00430         kAAFConvertTo = 1,
00431         kAAFConvertFrom = 2
00432 } AAFDataDefinitionMatch_e;
00434 typedef aafInt32 aafAppendOption_t;
00435 typedef enum _aafAppendOption_e
00436 {
00437         kAAFAppend = 0,
00438         kAAFForceOverwrite = 1
00439 } aafAppendOption_e;
00441 typedef aafInt32 aafReferenceType_t;
00442 typedef enum _aafReferenceType_e
00443 {
00444         kAAFRefLimitMinimum = 0,
00445         kAAFRefLimitMaximum = 1,
00446         kAAFRefMinimum = 2,
00447         kAAFRefMaximum = 3,
00448         kAAFRefEnumvalue = 4
00449 } aafReferenceType_e;
00451 typedef aafInt32 aafSwapNeeded_t;
00452 typedef enum _aafSwapNeeded_e
00453 {
00454         kAAFSwapIfNeeded = 0,
00455         kAAFNeverSwap = 1
00456 } aafSwapNeeded_e;
00458 typedef aafInt32 aafTimecodeSourceType_t;
00459 typedef enum _aafTimecodeSourceType_e
00460 {
00461         kAAFTimecodeLTC = 0,
00462         kAAFTimecodeVITC = 1
00463 } aafTimecodeSourceType_e;
00465 cpp_quote("/************************************************************") 
00466 cpp_quote(" *") 
00467 cpp_quote(" * Mob specific data types") 
00468 cpp_quote(" *") 
00469 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/") 
00470 typedef aafInt32 aafMobKind_t;
00471 typedef enum _aafMobKind_e
00472 {
00473         kAAFCompMob = 0, 
00474         kAAFMasterMob = 1, 
00475         kAAFFileMob = 2, 
00476         kAAFTapeMob = 3, 
00477         kAAFFilmMob = 4,
00478         kAAFPrimaryMob = 5, 
00479         kAAFAllMob = 6,
00480         kAAFPhysicalMob = 7
00481 } aafMobKind_e;
00483 typedef aafInt32 aafOperationChoice_t;
00484 typedef enum _aafOperationChoice_e
00485 {
00486   kAAFFindNull = 0,
00487   kAAFFindIncoming = 1,
00488   kAAFFindOutgoing = 2,
00489   kAAFFindRender = 3,
00490   kAAFFindOperationSrc1 = 4,
00491   kAAFFindOperationSrc2 = 5,
00492   kAAFFindOperationSrc3 = 6,
00493   kAAFFindOperationSrc4 = 7, 
00494   kAAFFindOperationSrc5 = 8,
00495   kAAFFindOperationSrc6 = 9,
00496   kAAFFindOperationSrc7 = 10,
00497   kAAFFindOperationSrc8 = 11
00498 } aafOperationChoice_e;
00500 typedef aafInt32 aafDepend_t;
00501 typedef enum _aafDepend_e
00502 {
00503         kAAFNoFollowDepend = 0, 
00504         kAAFFollowDepend = 1
00505 } aafDepend_e;
00507 typedef aafInt32 aafIncMedia_t;
00508 typedef enum _aafIncMedia_e
00509 {
00510         kAAFNoIncludeMedia = 0,
00511         kAAFIncludeMedia = 1
00512 } aafIncMedia_e;
00514 cpp_quote("/* aafIndexType_t: describes the types of HEAD indices */") 
00515 typedef aafInt32 aafIndexType_t;
00516 typedef enum _aafIndexType_e
00517 {
00518         kAAFCompMobIndex = 0,
00519         kAAFSourceMobIndex = 1,
00520         kAAFMediaIndex = 2,
00521         kAAFPrimaryMobIndex = 3
00522 } aafIndexType_e;
00524 cpp_quote("/* aafFadeType_t: describes values for SCLP fadein and fadeout types  */") 
00525 typedef aafInt32 aafFadeType_t;
00526 typedef enum _aafFadeType_e
00527 {
00528         kAAFFadeNone = 0,
00529         kAAFFadeLinearAmp = 1,
00530         kAAFFadeLinearPower = 2
00531 } aafFadeType_e;
00533 typedef aafInt32 aafAudioSampleType_t;
00534 typedef enum _aafAudioSampleType_e
00535 {
00536         kAAFOffsetBinary = 0,
00537         kAAFSignedMagnitude = 1
00538 } aafAudioSampleType_e;
00540 typedef aafInt32 aafTapeCaseType_t;
00541 typedef enum _aafTapeCaseType_e
00542 {
00543         kAAFTapeCaseNull = 0,
00544         kAAFThreeFourthInchVideoTape = 1,
00545         kAAFVHSVideoTape = 2,
00546         kAAF8mmVideoTape = 3,
00547         kAAFBetacamVideoTape = 4,
00548         kAAFCompactCassette = 5,
00549         kAAFDATCartridge = 6,
00550         kAAFNagraAudioTape = 7
00551 } aafTapeCaseType_e;
00553 typedef aafInt32 aafVideoSignalType_t;
00554 typedef enum _aafVideoSignalType_e
00555 {
00556         kAAFVideoSignalNull = 0,
00557         kAAFNTSCSignal = 1,
00558         kAAFPALSignal = 2,
00559         kAAFSECAMSignal = 3
00560 } aafVideoSignalType_e;
00562 typedef aafInt32 aafTapeFormatType_t;
00563 typedef enum _aafTapeFormatType_e
00564 {
00565         kAAFTapeFormatNull = 0,
00566         kAAFBetacamFormat = 1,
00567         kAAFBetacamSPFormat = 2,
00568         kAAFVHSFormat = 3,
00569         kAAFSVHSFormat = 4,
00570         kAAF8mmFormat = 5,
00571         kAAFHi8Format = 6
00572 } aafTapeFormatType_e;
00574 typedef aafInt32 aafAttributeKind_t;
00575 typedef enum _aafAttributeKind_e
00576 {
00577         kAAFNullAttribute = 0,
00578         kAAFIntegerAttribute = 1,
00579         kAAFStringAttribute = 2,
00580         kAAFObjectAttribute = 3
00581 } aafAttributeKind_e;
00583 typedef aafInt32 aafPulldownKind_t;
00584 typedef enum _aafPulldownKind_e
00585 {
00586         kAAFTwoThreePD = 0,
00587         kAAFPALPD = 1,
00588         kAAFOneToOneNTSC = 2,
00589         kAAFOneToOnePAL = 3,
00590         kAAFVideoTapNTSC = 4,
00591         kAAFOneToOneHDSixty = 5,
00592         kAAFTwentyFourToSixtyPD = 6,
00593         kAAFTwoToOnePD = 7
00594 } aafPulldownKind_e;
00596 typedef aafInt32        aafPhaseFrame_t;
00598 typedef aafInt32 aafPulldownDir_t;
00599 typedef enum _aafPulldownDir_e
00600 {
00601         kAAFTapeToFilmSpeed = 0,
00602         kAAFFilmToTapeSpeed = 1
00603 }       aafPulldownDir_e;
00605 typedef struct _aafMobComment_t
00606 {
00607         aafString_t category;
00608         aafString_t comment;
00609 } aafMobComment_t;
00611 typedef aafInt32 aafRGBAComponentKind_t;
00612 typedef enum _aafRGBAComponentKind_e
00613 {
00614         kAAFCompNone = 0x30,
00615         kAAFCompAlpha = 0x41,
00616         kAAFCompBlue = 0x42,
00617         kAAFCompFill = 0x46,
00618         kAAFCompGreen = 0x47,
00619         kAAFCompPalette = 0x50,
00620         kAAFCompRed = 0x52,
00621         kAAFCompNull = 0x0
00622 } aafRGBAComponentKind_e;
00624 typedef struct _aafRGBAComponent_t
00625 {
00626         aafRGBAComponentKind_t Code;
00627         aafUInt8               Size;
00628 } aafRGBAComponent_t;
00632 cpp_quote("/************************************************************") 
00633 cpp_quote(" *") 
00634 cpp_quote(" * Operation Group Types") 
00635 cpp_quote(" *") 
00636 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/")      
00637 typedef aafInt32 aafInterpKind_t;
00638 typedef enum _aafInterpKind_e
00639 {
00640         kAAFConstInterp = 1, 
00641         kAAFLinearInterp = 2
00642 } aafInterpKind_e;
00644 typedef aafInt32 aafEditHint_t;
00645 typedef enum _aafEditHint_e
00646 {
00647         kAAFNoEditHint = 0, 
00648         kAAFProportional = 1, 
00649         kAAFRelativeLeft = 2, 
00650         kAAFRelativeRight = 3, 
00651         kAAFRelativeFixed = 4
00652 } aafEditHint_e;
00654 typedef aafInt32 aafProductReleaseType_t;
00655 typedef enum _aafProductReleaseType_e
00656 {
00657         kAAFVersionUnknown = 0, 
00658         kAAFVersionReleased = 1, 
00659         kAAFVersionDebug = 2,
00660         kAAFVersionPatched = 3, 
00661         kAAFVersionBeta = 4, 
00662         kAAFVersionPrivateBuild = 5
00663 } aafProductReleaseType_e;
00665 cpp_quote("/************************************************************") 
00666 cpp_quote(" *") 
00667 cpp_quote(" * Structured AAFI types.") 
00668 cpp_quote(" *") 
00669 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/") 
00670 typedef struct _aafVersionType_t
00671 {
00672         aafInt8            major;
00673         aafInt8            minor;
00674 } aafVersionType_t;
00676 typedef struct _aafProductVersion_t
00677 {
00678         aafUInt16                               major;
00679         aafUInt16                               minor;
00680         aafUInt16                               tertiary;
00681         aafUInt16                               patchLevel;
00682         aafProductReleaseType_t type;
00683 } aafProductVersion_t;
00685 typedef struct _aafUID_t
00686 {
00687 //      aafUInt32           value[4]; // binary compatibility with GUID/CLSID and IID structures.
00688     aafUInt32 Data1;
00689     aafUInt16 Data2;
00690     aafUInt16 Data3;
00691     aafUInt8  Data4[8];
00692 } aafUID_t;
00694 typedef struct  _aafMobID_t
00695 {
00696     aafUInt8                    SMPTELabel[12];         // 12-bytes of label prefix
00697         aafUInt8                        length;
00698     aafUInt8                    instanceHigh;
00699     aafUInt8                    instanceMid;
00700     aafUInt8                    instanceLow;
00701     struct _aafUID_t    material;
00702 }       aafMobID_t;
00706 typedef struct _aafProductIdentification_t
00707 {
00708         aafCharacter *             companyName;
00709         aafCharacter *             productName;
00710         aafCharacter *             productVersionString;
00711         aafUID_t                   productID;
00712     aafCharacter *             platform;        // optional
00713     aafProductVersion_t *      productVersion;  // optional
00714 } aafProductIdentification_t;
00716 cpp_quote("extern const aafProductVersion_t AAFReferenceImplementationVersion;") 
00720 typedef struct _aafDateStruct_t
00721 {
00722   aafInt16 year;   /* range -32,767 to +32767 */
00723   aafUInt8 month;  /* range: 1-12, inclusive */
00724   aafUInt8 day;    /* range: 1-31, inclusive */
00725 } aafDateStruct_t;
00727 typedef struct _aafTimeStruct_t
00728 {
00729   aafUInt8 hour;     /* range 0-23 inclusive */
00730   aafUInt8 minute;   /* range 0-59 inclusive */
00731   aafUInt8 second;   /* range 0-59 inclusive */
00732   aafUInt8 fraction; /* range 0..99 inclusive; accuracy: .01 sec */
00733 } aafTimeStruct_t;
00735 typedef struct _aafTimeStamp_t
00736 {
00737   aafDateStruct_t date;
00738   aafTimeStruct_t time;
00739 } aafTimeStamp_t;
00743 typedef struct _aafRational_t
00744 {
00745         aafInt32           numerator;
00746         aafInt32           denominator;
00747 } aafRational_t;
00749 typedef struct _aafRect_t
00750 {
00751         aafInt32           xOffset;
00752         aafInt32           yOffset;
00753         aafInt32           xSize;
00754         aafInt32           ySize;
00755 } aafRect_t;
00757 typedef struct _aafmMultiXfer_t
00758 {
00759     aafUID_t *          mediaKind;              /* IN -- */
00760         aafInt16                        subTrackNum;    /* IN - The physical output channel */
00761         aafUInt32           numSamples;         /* IN -- */
00762         aafUInt32               buflen;                 /* IN -- */
00763         aafDataBuffer_t         buffer;                 /* IN/OUT -- */
00764 } aafmMultiXfer_t;
00766 typedef struct _aafmMultiResult_t
00767 {
00768         aafUInt32               bytesXfered;    /* OUT -- */
00769         aafUInt32                       samplesXfered;  /* OUT */
00770 } aafmMultiResult_t;
00772 typedef struct _aafmMultiCreate_t
00773 {
00774         const aafUID_t *        mediaKind;              /* IN -- */
00775         aafInt16                        subTrackNum;    /* IN - The physical output channel */
00776         aafInt32                slotID;         /* IN -- */
00777         aafRational_t           sampleRate;
00778 } aafmMultiCreate_t;
00780 cpp_quote("/* Typedefs specific to edgecode and timecode */") 
00781 typedef aafInt32 aafEdgeType_t;
00782 typedef enum _aafEdgeType_e
00783 {
00784         kAAFEtNull = 0, 
00785         kAAFEtKeycode = 1, 
00786         kAAFEtEdgenum4 = 2, 
00787         kAAFEtEdgenum5 = 3,
00788         kAAFEtHeaderSize = 8
00789 } aafEdgeType_e;
00791 typedef aafInt32 aafFilmType_t;
00792 typedef enum _aafFilmType_e
00793 {
00794         kAAFFtNull = 0, 
00795         kAAFFt35MM = 1, 
00796         kAAFFt16MM = 2, 
00797         kAAFFt8MM = 3, 
00798         kAAFFt65MM = 4
00799 } aafFilmType_e;
00801 typedef aafInt32 aafDirectionCode_t;
00802 typedef enum _aafDirectionCode_e
00803 {
00804         kAAFDirCodeRight = 0, 
00805         kAAFDirCodeUpperRight = 1, 
00806         kAAFDirCodeUp = 2, 
00807         kAAFDirCodeUpperLeft = 3, 
00808         kAAFDirCodeLeft = 4, 
00809         kAAFDirCodeLowerLeft = 5, 
00810         kAAFDirCodeDown = 6, 
00811         kAAFDirCodeLowerRight = 7
00812 } aafDirectionCode_e;
00814 typedef aafInt32 aafColorSpace_t;
00815 typedef enum _aafColorSpace_e
00816 {
00817         kAAFColorSpaceRGB = 0, 
00818         kAAFColorSpaceYUV = 1, 
00819         kAAFColorSpaceYIQ = 2, 
00820         kAAFColorSpaceHSI = 3, 
00821         kAAFColorSpaceHSV = 4, 
00822         kAAFColorSpaceYCrCb = 5, 
00823         kAAFColorSpaceYDrDb = 6, 
00824         kAAFColorSpaceCMYK = 7
00825 } aafColorSpace_e;
00827 typedef struct _aafTimecode_t
00828 {
00829         aafFrameOffset_t        startFrame;
00830         aafDropType_t   drop;
00831         aafUInt16               fps;    /* frames per second */
00832 } aafTimecode_t;
00834 typedef aafUInt8 aafEdgecodeHeader_t[kAAFEtHeaderSize];
00836 typedef struct _aafEdgecode_t
00837 {
00838         aafFrameOffset_t   startFrame;
00839         aafFilmType_t   filmKind;
00840         aafEdgeType_t codeFormat;
00841         aafEdgecodeHeader_t header;
00842 } aafEdgecode_t;
00844 cpp_quote("/*** Types for clips ***/") 
00845 typedef struct _aafSourceRef_t
00846 {
00847         aafMobID_t        sourceID;
00848         aafSlotID_t    sourceSlotID;
00849         aafPosition_t   startTime;
00850 } aafSourceRef_t;
00853 typedef struct _aafDefaultFade_t
00854 {
00855         aafLength_t             fadeLength;
00856         aafFadeType_t   fadeType;
00857         aafRational_t   fadeEditUnit;
00858         aafBoolean_t    valid;          /* Are the above fields valid? */
00859 } aafDefaultFade_t;     
00861 cpp_quote("/************************************************************") 
00862 cpp_quote(" *") 
00863 cpp_quote(" * Multiple Media Representations Criteria types") 
00864 cpp_quote(" *") 
00865 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/") 
00866 //typedef aafInt16(*aafCriteriaProc_t)(IAAFFile  * file,
00867 //                                     IAAFObject  * mdes, 
00868 //                                     aafCodecID_t codecID);
00870 typedef aafInt32 aafCriteriaType_t;
00871 typedef enum _aafCriteriaType_e
00872 {
00873         kAAFAnyRepresentation = 0,
00874         kAAFFastestRepresentation = 1,
00875         kAAFBestFidelityRepresentation = 2,
00876         kAAFSmallestRepresentation = 3 //, Jeff may add this one back.
00877 //      kAAFUseRepresentationProc = 4
00878 } aafCriteriaType_e;
00880 typedef struct _aafMediaCriteria_t
00881 {
00882         aafCriteriaType_t               type;
00883 //      aafCriteriaProc_t               proc;   
00884 } aafMediaCriteria_t;
00886 cpp_quote("/************************************************************") 
00887 cpp_quote(" *") 
00888 cpp_quote(" * Data Types for Search Criteria and Iterators")  
00889 cpp_quote(" *") 
00890 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/") 
00892 typedef aafInt32 aafSearchTag_t;
00893 typedef enum _aafSearchTag_e
00894 {
00895         kAAFNoSearch = 0, 
00896         kAAFByMobID = 1, 
00897         kAAFByMobKind = 2, 
00898         kAAFByName = 3, 
00899         kAAFByClass = 4, 
00900         kAAFByDataDef = 5,
00901         kAAFByMediaCrit = 6,
00902         kAAFByUsageCode = 7,
00903         kAAFByMasterMobUsageCode = 8,
00904         kAAFBySourceMobUsageCode = 9,
00905         kAAFByCompositionMobUsageCode = 10
00906 } aafSearchTag_e;
00909 cpp_quote("#if 0") 
00910 typedef struct _aafSearchCrit_t
00911 {
00913     aafSearchTag_t     searchTag;
00914     [switch_is(searchTag)] union
00915     {
00916         [case(kAAFByMobID)]
00917                         aafMobID_t mobID;               // shouldn't this be a pointer?
00918         [case(kAAFByMobKind)]
00919                         aafMobKind_t mobKind;
00920         [case(kAAFByName)]
00921                         aafString_t name;
00922         [case(kAAFByClass)]
00923                         aafClassID_t objClass;  // shouldn't this be a pointer?
00924         [case(kAAFByDataDef)]
00925                         aafUID_t datadef;       // shouldn't this be a pointer?
00926         [case(kAAFByMediaCrit)]
00927                         aafCriteriaType_t mediaCrit;
00928         [default] ;
00929     } ;
00931 } aafSearchCrit_t;
00932 cpp_quote("#endif") 
00933 cpp_quote("//") 
00934 cpp_quote("typedef struct _aafSearchCrit_t") 
00935 cpp_quote("{") 
00936 cpp_quote("    aafSearchTag_t     searchTag;") 
00937 cpp_quote("    union") 
00938 cpp_quote("    {") 
00939 cpp_quote("        aafMobID_t        mobID;             // shouldn't this be a pointer?") 
00940 cpp_quote("        aafMobKind_t    mobKind;") 
00941 cpp_quote("        aafString_t       name;") 
00942 cpp_quote("        aafClassID_t      objClass;  // shouldn't this be a pointer?") 
00943 cpp_quote("        aafUID_t              datadef;       // shouldn't this be a pointer?") 
00944 cpp_quote("        aafCriteriaType_t mediaCrit;") 
00945 cpp_quote("        aafUID_t          usageCode;") 
00946 cpp_quote("    } tags;") 
00947 cpp_quote("} aafSearchCrit_t;") 
00951 typedef aafInt32 aafDefinitionKind_t;
00952 typedef enum _aafDefinitionKind_e
00953 {
00954         kAAFClassDefinition         = 1,
00955         kAAFPropertyDefinition  = 2,
00956         kAAFTypeDefinition      = 4,
00957         kAAFDataDefinition      = 8,
00958         kAAFOperationDefinition    = 16,
00959         kAAFAllDefinitions      = -1
00960 } aafDefinitionKind_e;
00962 typedef aafInt32 aafDefinitionCritType_t;
00963 typedef enum _aafDefinitionCritType_e
00964 {
00965         kAAFNoDefSearch = 0, 
00966         kAAFByDefKind = 1, 
00967         kAAFByDefName = 2, 
00968         kAAFByDefClass  = 3
00969 } aafDefinitionCritType_e;
00971 typedef struct _aafDefinitionCrit_t
00972 {
00973         aafDefinitionCritType_t type;
00974         union 
00975         {
00976                 aafDefinitionKind_t     defKind;
00977                 aafString_t         name;
00978                 aafClassID_t        objClass;   // shouldn't this be a pointer?
00979         } tags;
00980 } aafDefinitionCrit_t;
00982 typedef aafInt32 aafIdentificationCritType_t;
00983 typedef enum _aafIdentificationCritType_e
00984 {
00985         kAAFNoIdSearch = 0, 
00986         kAAFByIdProductID = 1, 
00987         kAAFByIdGeneration = 2, 
00988         kAAFByIdRefImplVersion = 3
00989 } aafIdentificationCritType_e;
00991 typedef struct _aafIdentificationCrit_t
00992 {
00993         aafIdentificationCritType_t type;
00994         union 
00995         {
00996                 aafUID_t                    productID;
00997                 aafUID_t            generation;
00998                 aafProductVersion_t referenceImplementationVersion;
00999         } tags;
01000 } aafIdentificationCrit_t;
01003 cpp_quote("/************************************************************")  
01004 cpp_quote(" *") 
01005 cpp_quote(" * Data Types for Searching the Class Dictionary")  
01006 cpp_quote(" *") 
01007 cpp_quote(" *************************************************************/")  
01009 typedef aafInt32 aafSearchDictionaryTag_t;
01010 typedef enum _aafSearchDictionaryTag_e
01011 {
01012         kAAFAllClasses = 0,       // selects all classes in the given class dictionary.
01013         kAAFByClassID = 1,             // selects the class with the given class id.
01014         kAAFByParentClassID = 2,  // selects all classes with the given parent class id. 
01015         kAAFByPropertyID = 3,     // selects all classes that contain the given property id.
01016         kAAFByTypeID = 4,         // selects all classes that contain properties with the given type id.
01017         kAAFByClassName = 5       // selects all classes with the given name
01018 } aafSearchDictionaryTag_e;
01021 //********
01022 //
01023 // Enum indicating data "Endian-ness"
01024 // 
01025 typedef aafInt32 eAAFByteOrder_t;
01026 typedef enum _eAAFByteOrder_e
01027 {
01028   //
01029   // Little Endian (e.g. Intel byte order)
01030   //
01031   kAAFByteOrderLittle   = 0,
01033   //
01034   // Big Endian (e.g. Mac or Sparc byte order)
01035   //
01036   kAAFByteOrderBig      = 1
01038 } eAAFByteOrder_e;
01041 cpp_quote("#if 0") 
01042 typedef struct _aafSearchDictionaryCrit_t
01043 {
01045     aafSearchDictionaryTag_t     searchTag;
01046     [switch_is(searchTag)] union
01047     {
01048         [case(kAAFByClassID)]
01049             aafUID_t    * classID;
01050         [case(kAAFByParentClassID)]
01051             aafUID_t    * parentClassID;
01052         [case(kAAFByPropertyID)]
01053             aafUID_t    * propertyID;
01054         [case(kAAFByTypeID)]
01055             aafUID_t    * typeID;
01056         [case(kAAFByClassName)]
01057             aafString_t   name;
01058         [default] ;
01059     } ;
01061 } aafSearchDictionaryCrit_t;
01064 //********
01065 //
01066 // Enum indicating general category of stored (property) data
01067 //
01068 //
01069 cpp_quote("#endif") 
01070 cpp_quote("//") 
01071 cpp_quote("typedef struct _aafSearchDictionaryCrit_t") 
01072 cpp_quote("{") 
01073 cpp_quote("     aafSearchDictionaryTag_t     searchTag;") 
01074 cpp_quote("     union ") 
01075 cpp_quote("     {") 
01076 cpp_quote("             aafUID_t    * classID;") 
01077 cpp_quote("             aafUID_t    * parentClassID;") 
01078 cpp_quote("             aafUID_t        * propertyID;") 
01079 cpp_quote("             aafUID_t        * typeID;") 
01080 cpp_quote("             aafString_t   name;") 
01081 cpp_quote("     } tags;") 
01082 cpp_quote("} aafSearchDictionaryCrit_t;") 
01086 typedef aafInt32 eAAFTypeCategory_t;
01087 typedef enum _eAAFTypeCategory_e
01088 {
01089   kAAFTypeCatUnknown       = 0,  // can only occur in damaged files
01090   kAAFTypeCatInt           = 1,  // any integral type
01091   kAAFTypeCatCharacter     = 2,  // any character type
01092   kAAFTypeCatStrongObjRef  = 3,  // strong object reference
01093   kAAFTypeCatWeakObjRef    = 4,  // weak object reference
01094   kAAFTypeCatRename        = 5,  // renamed type
01095   kAAFTypeCatEnum          = 6,  // enumerated type
01096   kAAFTypeCatFixedArray    = 7,  // fixed-size array
01097   kAAFTypeCatVariableArray = 8,  // variably-sized array
01098   kAAFTypeCatSet           = 9,  // set of strong object references or
01099                                  // set of weak object references
01100   kAAFTypeCatRecord        = 10, // a structured type
01101   kAAFTypeCatStream        = 11, // potentially huge amount of data
01102   kAAFTypeCatString        = 12, // null-terminated variably-sized
01103                                  // array of characters
01104   kAAFTypeCatExtEnum       = 13, // extendible enumerated type
01105   kAAFTypeCatIndirect      = 14, // type must be determined at runtime
01106   kAAFTypeCatOpaque        = 15, // type can be determined at runtime
01107   kAAFTypeCatEncrypted     = 16  // type can be determined at runtime 
01108                                  // but bits are encrypted
01109 } eAAFTypeCategory_e;
01112 // typedefs to make things more consistent
01113 typedef aafAlphaTransparency_t  aafAlphaTransparencyType_t;
01114 typedef aafBoolean_t            aafBool;
01115 typedef aafColorSiting_t        aafColorSitingType_t;
01116 typedef aafEditHint_t           aafEditHintType_t;
01117 typedef aafFrameLayout_t        aafLayoutType_t;
01118 typedef aafMobID_t              aafMobIDType_t;
01119 typedef aafPulldownDir_t        aafPulldownDirectionType_t;
01120 typedef aafPulldownKind_t       aafPulldownKindType_t;
01121 typedef aafScanningDirection_t  aafScanningDirectionType_t;
01122 typedef aafSignalStandard_t     aafSignalStandardType_t;
01123 typedef aafTimecodeSourceType_t aafTCSource_t;
01126 cpp_quote("/**************************/") 
01127 cpp_quote("#ifndef STDMETHODCALLTYPE") 
01128 cpp_quote("  #ifndef _MSC_VER") 
01129 cpp_quote("    #ifdef __SC__") 
01130 cpp_quote("      #define STDMETHODCALLTYPE _cdecl") 
01131 cpp_quote("    #else") 
01132 cpp_quote("      #define STDMETHODCALLTYPE") 
01133 cpp_quote("    #endif") 
01134 cpp_quote("  #else") 
01135 cpp_quote("    #define STDMETHODCALLTYPE __stdcall") 
01136 cpp_quote("  #endif") 
01137 cpp_quote("#endif") 
01141 cpp_quote("#if 0") 
01142   #if defined(__midl)
01143     /* MIDL 2.0 definitions */
01144         typedef aafArgIDType_t *             aafArgIDType_constref;
01145         typedef aafEdgecodeHeader_t *        aafEdgecodeHeader_constref;
01146         typedef aafEdgecode_t *              aafEdgecode_constref;
01147         typedef aafEngine_t *                aafEngine_constref;
01148         typedef aafHardwarePlatform_t *      aafHardwarePlatform_constref;
01149         typedef aafMediaCriteria_t *         aafMediaCriteria_constref;
01150         typedef aafPluginAPI_t *             aafPluginAPI_constref;
01151         typedef aafPosition_t *              aafPosition_constref;
01152         typedef aafProductIdentification_t * aafProductIdentification_constref;
01153         typedef aafProductVersion_t *        aafProductVersion_constref;
01154         typedef aafRect_t *                  aafRect_constref;
01155         typedef aafSourceRef_t *             aafSourceRef_constref;
01156         typedef aafTimecode_t *              aafTimecode_constref;
01157     typedef aafLength_t *                aafLength_constref;
01158     typedef aafRational_t *              aafRational_constref;
01159     typedef aafTimeStamp_t *             aafTimeStamp_constref;
01160     typedef aafUID_t *                   aafUID_constref;
01161     typedef aafMobID_t *                 aafMobID_constref;
01162     typedef aafVersionType_t *           aafVersionType_constref;
01163   #else
01164     /* MIDL 1.1 definitions */
01165         typedef aafArgIDType_t               aafArgIDType_constref;
01166         typedef aafEdgecodeHeader_t          aafEdgecodeHeader_constref;
01167         typedef aafEdgecode_t                aafEdgecode_constref;
01168         typedef aafEngine_t                  aafEngine_constref;
01169         typedef aafHardwarePlatform_t        aafHardwarePlatform_constref;
01170         typedef aafMediaCriteria_t           aafMediaCriteria_constref;
01171         typedef aafPluginAPI_t               aafPluginAPI_constref;
01172         typedef aafPosition_t                aafPosition_constref;
01173         typedef aafProductIdentification_t   aafProductIdentification_constref;
01174         typedef aafProductVersion_t          aafProductVersion_constref;
01175         typedef aafRect_t                    aafRect_constref;
01176         typedef aafSourceRef_t               aafSourceRef_constref;
01177         typedef aafTimecode_t                aafTimecode_constref;
01178     typedef aafLength_t                  aafLength_constref;
01179     typedef aafRational_t                aafRational_constref;
01180     typedef aafTimeStamp_t               aafTimeStamp_constref;
01181     typedef aafUID_t                     aafUID_constref;
01182     typedef aafMobID_t                   aafMobID_constref;
01183     typedef aafVersionType_t             aafVersionType_constref;
01184   #endif
01186   typedef unsigned char *                aafMemConstPtr_t;
01187   typedef aafCharacter *                 aafCharacter_constptr;
01188   typedef aafMediaCriteria_t *           aafMediaCriteria_constptr;
01189   typedef aafOperationChoice_t *         aafOperationChoice_constptr;
01190   typedef aafProductVersion_t *          aafProductVersion_constptr;
01191   typedef aafProductIdentification_t *   aafProductIdentification_constptr;
01192   typedef aafSearchCrit_t *              aafSearchCrit_constptr;
01193   typedef aafUID_t *                     aafUID_constptr;
01194   typedef aafMobID_t *                   aafMobID_constptr;
01196 cpp_quote("#endif // 0") 
01198 cpp_quote("#if defined(__cplusplus)") 
01199 cpp_quote("#define aafArgIDType_constref        const aafArgIDType_t &") 
01200 cpp_quote("#define aafEdgecodeHeader_constref   const aafEdgecodeHeader_t &") 
01201 cpp_quote("#define aafEdgecode_constref         const aafEdgecode_t &") 
01202 cpp_quote("#define aafEngine_constref           const aafEngine_t &") 
01203 cpp_quote("#define aafHardwarePlatform_constref const aafHardwarePlatform_t &") 
01204 cpp_quote("#define aafLength_constref           const aafLength_t &") 
01205 cpp_quote("#define aafMediaCriteria_constref    const aafMediaCriteria_t &") 
01206 cpp_quote("#define aafPluginAPI_constref        const aafPluginAPI_t &") 
01207 cpp_quote("#define aafPosition_constref         const aafPosition_t &") 
01208 cpp_quote("#define aafProductIdentification_constref const aafProductIdentification_t &") 
01209 cpp_quote("#define aafProductVersion_constref   const aafProductVersion_t &") 
01210 cpp_quote("#define aafRational_constref         const aafRational_t &") 
01211 cpp_quote("#define aafRect_constref             const aafRect_t &") 
01212 cpp_quote("#define aafSourceRef_constref        const aafSourceRef_t &") 
01213 cpp_quote("#define aafTimeStamp_constref        const aafTimeStamp_t &") 
01214 cpp_quote("#define aafTimecode_constref         const aafTimecode_t &") 
01215 cpp_quote("#define aafUID_constref              const aafUID_t &") 
01216 cpp_quote("#define aafMobID_constref            const aafMobID_t &") 
01217 cpp_quote("#define aafVersionType_constref      const aafVersionType_t &") 
01218 cpp_quote("#else // !__cplusplus") 
01219 cpp_quote("#define aafArgIDType_constref         const aafArgIDType_t * const") 
01220 cpp_quote("#define aafEdgecodeHeader_constref    const aafEdgecodeHeader_t * const") 
01221 cpp_quote("#define aafEdgecode_constref          const aafEdgecode_t * const") 
01222 cpp_quote("#define aafEngine_constref            const aafEngine_t * const") 
01223 cpp_quote("#define aafHardwarePlatform_constref  const aafHardwarePlatform_t * const") 
01224 cpp_quote("#define aafLength_constref            const aafLength_t * const") 
01225 cpp_quote("#define aafMediaCriteria_constref     const aafMediaCriteria_t * const") 
01226 cpp_quote("#define aafPluginAPI_constref         const aafPluginAPI_t * const") 
01227 cpp_quote("#define aafPosition_constref          const aafPosition_t * const") 
01228 cpp_quote("#define aafProductIdentification_constref const aafProductIdentification_t * const") 
01229 cpp_quote("#define aafProductVersion_constref    const aafProductVersion_t * const") 
01230 cpp_quote("#define aafRational_constref          const aafRational_t * const") 
01231 cpp_quote("#define aafRect_constref              const aafRect_t * const") 
01232 cpp_quote("#define aafSourceRef_constref         const aafSourceRef_t * const") 
01233 cpp_quote("#define aafTimeStamp_constref         const aafTimeStamp_t * const") 
01234 cpp_quote("#define aafTimecode_constref          const aafTimecode_t * const") 
01235 cpp_quote("#define aafUID_constref               const aafUID_t * const") 
01236 cpp_quote("#define aafMobID_constref             const aafMobID_t * const") 
01237 cpp_quote("#define aafVersionType_constref       const aafVersionType_t * const") 
01238 cpp_quote("#endif // !__cplusplus") 
01240 cpp_quote("#define aafMemConstPtr_t              const unsigned char *") 
01241 cpp_quote("#define aafCharacter_constptr         const aafCharacter *") 
01242 cpp_quote("#define aafMediaCriteria_constptr     const aafMediaCriteria_t *") 
01243 cpp_quote("#define aafOperationChoice_constptr   const aafOperationChoice_t *") 
01244 cpp_quote("#define aafProductVersion_constptr    const aafProductVersion_t *") 
01245 cpp_quote("#define aafProductIdentification_constptr const aafProductIdentification_t *") 
01246 cpp_quote("#define aafSearchCrit_constptr        const aafSearchCrit_t *") 
01247 cpp_quote("#define aafUID_constptr               const aafUID_t *") 
01248 cpp_quote("#define aafMobID_constptr             const aafMobID_t *") 
01250 }

Generated on Wed Jul 4 2012 22:13:25 for AAF COM API by doxygen 1.7.4