AAFA Developer Support

Public Member Functions
IAAFDictionary Interface Reference

This interface is used to access dictionary services in an AAF file. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT CreateInstance ([in, ref] aafUID_constref id,[in, ref] REFIID riid,[out, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **ppvObject)
 Creates a single uninitialized AAF object of the class associated with a specified stored object id.
HRESULT CreateMetaInstance ([in, ref] aafUID_constref id,[in, ref] REFIID riid,[out, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **ppMetaDefinition)
 Creates a single uninitialized AAF meta class or type associated with a specified stored object id.
HRESULT RegisterClassDef ([in] IAAFClassDef *pClassDef)
 Add the class definition object to the dictionary.
HRESULT LookupClassDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref classId,[out, retval] IAAFClassDef **ppClassDef)
 Return the class definition with the given id.
HRESULT GetClassDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFClassDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all class definitions.
HRESULT CountClassDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of class definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT CreateForwardClassReference ([in, ref] aafUID_constref classId)
 Return the class definition with the given id.
HRESULT HasForwardClassReference ([in, ref] aafUID_constref classId,[out, retval] aafBoolean_t *pResult)
 Return kAAFTrue if the given class identification is a forward reference.
HRESULT RegisterTypeDef ([in] IAAFTypeDef *pTypeDef)
 Add the type definition object to the dictionary.
HRESULT LookupTypeDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref typeId,[out, retval] IAAFTypeDef **ppTypeDef)
 Return the type definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetTypeDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFTypeDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all type definitions.
HRESULT CountTypeDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of type definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterOpaqueTypeDef ([in] IAAFTypeDef *pTypeDef)
 Add the opaquetype definition object to the dictionary.
HRESULT LookupOpaqueTypeDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref typeId,[out, retval] IAAFTypeDef **ppTypeDef)
 Return the opaque type definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetOpaqueTypeDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFTypeDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all registered opaque type definitions.
HRESULT CountOpaqueTypeDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of opaque type definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterKLVDataKey ([in] aafUID_t pUID,[in] IAAFTypeDef *pTypeDef)
 Add the definition for the given KLV key to the runtime dictionary.
HRESULT RegisterDataDef ([in] IAAFDataDef *pDataDef)
 Add the data definition object to the header's list of definitions.
HRESULT LookupDataDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref dataDefinitionId,[out, retval] IAAFDataDef **ppDataDef)
 Return the data definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetDataDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFDataDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for aff data definitions.
HRESULT CountDataDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of data definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterOperationDef ([in] IAAFOperationDef *pOperationDef)
 Add the operation definition object to the header's list of definitions.
HRESULT LookupOperationDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref operationId,[out, retval] IAAFOperationDef **ppOperationDef)
 Return the operation definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetOperationDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFOperationDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all operation definitions.
HRESULT CountOperationDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of operation definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterParameterDef ([in] IAAFParameterDef *pParmDef)
 Add the parameter definition object to the header's list of definitions.
HRESULT LookupParameterDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref parameterId,[out, retval] IAAFParameterDef **ppParmDef)
 Return the parameter definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetParameterDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFParameterDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all parameter definitions.
HRESULT CountParameterDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of parameter definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterCodecDef ([in] IAAFCodecDef *pParmDef)
 Add the codec definition object to the header's list of definitions.
HRESULT LookupCodecDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref parameterId,[out, retval] IAAFCodecDef **ppParmDef)
 Return the codec definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetCodecDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFCodecDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all codec definitions.
HRESULT CountCodecDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of codec definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterContainerDef ([in] IAAFContainerDef *pParmDef)
 Add the container definition object to the header's list of definitions.
HRESULT LookupContainerDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref parameterId,[out, retval] IAAFContainerDef **ppParmDef)
 Return the container definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetContainerDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFContainerDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all container definitions.
HRESULT CountContainerDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of container definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterInterpolationDef ([in] IAAFInterpolationDef *pInterpolationDef)
 Add the Interpolation definition object to the header's list of definitions.
HRESULT LookupInterpolationDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref parameterId,[out, retval] IAAFInterpolationDef **ppInterpolationDef)
 Return the Interpolation definition object with the given id.
HRESULT GetInterpolationDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFInterpolationDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for aff Interpolation definitions.
HRESULT CountInterpolationDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of interpolation definition objects into the pResult argument.
HRESULT RegisterPluginDef ([in] IAAFPluginDef *pPlugDef)
 Add the plugin definition object to the header's list of definitions.
HRESULT LookupPluginDef ([in, ref] aafUID_constref parameterId,[out, retval] IAAFPluginDef **ppPlugDef)
 Return the plugin descriptor object with the given id.
HRESULT GetPluginDefs ([out, retval] IEnumAAFPluginDefs **ppEnum)
 Return an enumerator for all plugin descriptors.
HRESULT CountPluginDefs ([out, retval] aafUInt32 *pResult)
 Writes the number of plugin definition objects into the pResult argument.

Detailed Description

This interface is used to access dictionary services in an AAF file.

In addition to the specific error results listed for each method, all methods in this interface may also return one of the following values:


Objects that implement IAAFDictionary also implement the following interfaces:

Definition at line 6097 of file AAF.idl.

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountClassDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of class definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of class definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountCodecDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of codec definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of codec definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountContainerDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of container definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of container definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountDataDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of data definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of data definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountInterpolationDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of interpolation definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of interpolation definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountOpaqueTypeDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of opaque type definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of opaque type definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountOperationDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of operation definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of operation definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountParameterDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of parameter definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of parameter definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountPluginDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of plugin definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of plugin definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CountTypeDefs ( [out, retval] aafUInt32 *  pResult)

Writes the number of type definition objects into the pResult argument.

Succeeds if all of the following are true:

  • the pResult pointer is valid.

If this method fails nothing will be written to *pResult.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pResult is null.
pResult[out, retval] Total number of type definition objects
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CreateForwardClassReference ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  classId)

Return the class definition with the given id.

Succeeds if:

  • The classId does not represent an existing forward class reference or a class definition that has already been successfully registered.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • The given ID is not recognized as a class definition ID.
classId[in, ref] Class Unique ID
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CreateInstance ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  id,
[in, ref] REFIID  riid,
[out, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **  ppvObject 

Creates a single uninitialized AAF object of the class associated with a specified stored object id.

[in]idClass identifier (id) of the stored object. This is the corresponding SMPTE identifier (as a GUID) for all predefined built-in classes.
[in]riidReference to the identifier of the interface
[out]ppvObjectAddress of output variable that receives the interface pointer requested in riid
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::CreateMetaInstance ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  id,
[in, ref] REFIID  riid,
[out, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **  ppMetaDefinition 

Creates a single uninitialized AAF meta class or type associated with a specified stored object id.

[in]idIdentifier (id) of a class or type definition. This is the corresponding SMPTE identifier (as a GUID) for all predefined built-in definitions.
[in]riidReference to the identifier of the interface
[out]ppMetaDefinitionAddress of output variable that receives the interface pointer requested in riid
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetClassDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFClassDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all class definitions.

Succeeds if:

  • The ppEnum pointer is valid.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • ppEnum arg is NULL.
ppEnum[out,retval] Class Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetCodecDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFCodecDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all codec definitions.

ppEnum[out,retval] Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetContainerDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFContainerDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all container definitions.

ppEnum[out,retval] Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetDataDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFDataDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for aff data definitions.

ppEnum[out,retval] Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetInterpolationDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFInterpolationDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for aff Interpolation definitions.

ppEnum[out,retval] Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetOpaqueTypeDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFTypeDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all registered opaque type definitions.

Succeeds if:

  • The ppEnum pointer is valid.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • ppEnum arg is NULL.
ppEnum[out,retval] Type Def Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetOperationDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFOperationDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all operation definitions.

ppEnum[out,retval] Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetParameterDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFParameterDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all parameter definitions.

ppEnum[out,retval] Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetPluginDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFPluginDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all plugin descriptors.

ppEnum[out,retval] Definition Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::GetTypeDefs ( [out, retval] IEnumAAFTypeDefs **  ppEnum)

Return an enumerator for all type definitions.

Succeeds if:

  • The ppEnum pointer is valid.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • ppEnum arg is NULL.
ppEnum[out,retval] Type Def Enumeration
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::HasForwardClassReference ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  classId,
[out, retval] aafBoolean_t *  pResult 

Return kAAFTrue if the given class identification is a forward reference.

Succeeds if:

  • The pClassID pointer is valid.
  • The ppClassDef pointer is valid.
  • the ID is a recognized id for a class definition.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • Either pClassID or ppClassDef arg is NULL.


  • The given ID is not recognized as a class definition ID.
classId[in, ref] Class Unique ID
pResult[out,retval] true if forward class reference; false if not a forward class reference
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupClassDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  classId,
[out, retval] IAAFClassDef **  ppClassDef 

Return the class definition with the given id.

Succeeds if:

  • The pClassID pointer is valid.
  • The ppClassDef pointer is valid.
  • the ID is a recognized id for a class definition.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • Either pClassID or ppClassDef arg is NULL.


  • The given ID is not recognized as a class definition ID.
classId[in, ref] Class Unique ID
ppClassDef[out,retval] Class Definition
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupCodecDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  parameterId,
[out, retval] IAAFCodecDef **  ppParmDef 

Return the codec definition object with the given id.

parameterId[in, ref] Parameter Unique ID
ppParmDef[out,retval] Codec definition object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupContainerDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  parameterId,
[out, retval] IAAFContainerDef **  ppParmDef 

Return the container definition object with the given id.

parameterId[in, ref] Parameter Unique ID
ppParmDef[out,retval] Container definition object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupDataDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  dataDefinitionId,
[out, retval] IAAFDataDef **  ppDataDef 

Return the data definition object with the given id.

dataDefinitionId[in, ref] Data Definition Unique ID
ppDataDef[out,retval] Data Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupInterpolationDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  parameterId,
[out, retval] IAAFInterpolationDef **  ppInterpolationDef 

Return the Interpolation definition object with the given id.

parameterId[in, ref] Parameter Unique ID
ppInterpolationDef[out,retval] Interpolation definition object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupOpaqueTypeDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  typeId,
[out, retval] IAAFTypeDef **  ppTypeDef 

Return the opaque type definition object with the given id.

Succeeds if:

  • The pTypeID pointer is valid.
  • The ppTypeDef pointer is valid.
  • the ID is a recognized id for an opaque type definition.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • Either typeId or ppTypeDef arg is NULL.


  • The given ID is not recognized as a type definition ID.
typeId[in, ref] Type Unique ID
ppTypeDef[out,retval] Type Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupOperationDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  operationId,
[out, retval] IAAFOperationDef **  ppOperationDef 

Return the operation definition object with the given id.

operationId[in, ref] Operation Def Unique ID
ppOperationDef[out,retval] Operation definition object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupParameterDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  parameterId,
[out, retval] IAAFParameterDef **  ppParmDef 

Return the parameter definition object with the given id.

parameterId[in, ref] Parameter Unique ID
ppParmDef[out,retval] Parameter definition object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupPluginDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  parameterId,
[out, retval] IAAFPluginDef **  ppPlugDef 

Return the plugin descriptor object with the given id.

parameterId[in, ref] Parameter Unique ID
ppPlugDef[out,retval] plugin descriptor object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::LookupTypeDef ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  typeId,
[out, retval] IAAFTypeDef **  ppTypeDef 

Return the type definition object with the given id.

Succeeds if:

  • The pTypeID pointer is valid.
  • The ppTypeDef pointer is valid.
  • the ID is a recognized id for a type definition.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • Either pTypeID or ppTypeDef arg is NULL.


  • The given ID is not recognized as a type definition ID.
typeId[in, ref] Type Unique ID
ppTypeDef[out,retval] Type Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterClassDef ( [in] IAAFClassDef pClassDef)

Add the class definition object to the dictionary.

Succeeds if:

  • The pClassDef pointer is valid.
  • the ID contained in the class def is not already been registered.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pClassDef arg is NULL.


  • The class def ID has already been registered.
pClassDef[in] Class Definition
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterCodecDef ( [in] IAAFCodecDef pParmDef)

Add the codec definition object to the header's list of definitions.

pParmDef[in] Codec Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterContainerDef ( [in] IAAFContainerDef pParmDef)

Add the container definition object to the header's list of definitions.

pParmDef[in] Container Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterDataDef ( [in] IAAFDataDef pDataDef)

Add the data definition object to the header's list of definitions.

pDataDef[in] Data Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterInterpolationDef ( [in] IAAFInterpolationDef pInterpolationDef)

Add the Interpolation definition object to the header's list of definitions.

pInterpolationDef[in] Interpolation Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterKLVDataKey ( [in] aafUID_t  pUID,
[in] IAAFTypeDef pTypeDef 

Add the definition for the given KLV key to the runtime dictionary.

The pTypeDef will often be kAAFTypeID_UInt8Array, but may be something else.

Succeeds if:

  • The pTypeDef pointer is valid.
  • the definition is not already been registered with RegisterTypeDef.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pTypeDef arg is NULL.


  • The given type has already been registered.
pUID[in] Key to define
pTypeDef[in] Type Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterOpaqueTypeDef ( [in] IAAFTypeDef pTypeDef)

Add the opaquetype definition object to the dictionary.

Succeeds if:

  • The pTypeDef pointer is valid.
  • the definition is not already been registered with RegisterTypeDef.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pTypeDef arg is NULL.


  • The given type has already been registered.
pTypeDef[in] Type Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterOperationDef ( [in] IAAFOperationDef pOperationDef)

Add the operation definition object to the header's list of definitions.

pOperationDef[in] Operation Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterParameterDef ( [in] IAAFParameterDef pParmDef)

Add the parameter definition object to the header's list of definitions.

pParmDef[in] Parameter Definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterPluginDef ( [in] IAAFPluginDef pPlugDef)

Add the plugin definition object to the header's list of definitions.

pPlugDef[in] plugin definition Object
HRESULT IAAFDictionary::RegisterTypeDef ( [in] IAAFTypeDef pTypeDef)

Add the type definition object to the dictionary.

Succeeds if:

  • The pTypeDef pointer is valid.
  • the ID is not already been registered.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)


  • pClassDef arg is NULL.


  • The given type has already been registered.
pTypeDef[in] Type Definition Object

Generated on Wed Jul 4 2012 22:13:27 for AAF COM API by doxygen 1.7.4