AAFA Developer Support

Public Member Functions
IAAFTypeDefWeakObjRef Interface Reference

This interface is used to implement Weak Object references. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT Initialize ([in, ref] aafUID_constref id,[in] IAAFClassDef *pObjType,[in, string] aafCharacter_constptr pTypeName,[in] aafUInt32 ids,[in, size_is(ids)] aafUID_constptr pTargetSet)
 Initializes this type def to be a reference to objects of the given type, and assigns this object the given AUID.

Detailed Description

This interface is used to implement Weak Object references.

In addition to the specific error results listed for each method, all methods in this interface may also return one of the following values:


Objects that implement IAAFTypeDefWeakObjRef also implement the following interfaces:

Definition at line 33905 of file AAF.idl.

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT IAAFTypeDefWeakObjRef::Initialize ( [in, ref] aafUID_constref  id,
[in] IAAFClassDef pObjType,
[in, string] aafCharacter_constptr  pTypeName,
[in] aafUInt32  ids,
[in, size_is(ids)] aafUID_constptr  pTargetSet 

Initializes this type def to be a reference to objects of the given type, and assigns this object the given AUID.

pObjType points to the class definition of the least-derived class which is possible to be contained in property values of this type.

pTargetSet points to an array of Property Def AUIDs which indicate the location of the property containing the target of this weak reference. The AUIDs indicate the containment path to the target property, starting at the root Header object. For example, if the containment hierarchy is:


then the first AUID corresponds to the Header's property which contains Object A; the second AUID corresponds to Object A's property which contains Object B; and the third AUID corresponds to Object B's property C which contans the target of this weak reference. If any intermediate property is a vector or set, all* objects in that vector or set are searched for the target. Note that the final AUID *must* correspond to a Set property.

The number of AUIDs in pTargetSet is noted by ids.

This method must be called after allocation, and before any other method can be called.

Succeeds if:

  • Initialize() has not yet been called on this object.
  • pObjType is a valid pointer.
  • pTargetSet is a valid pointer.

This method will return the following codes. If more than one of the listed errors is in effect, it will return the first one encountered in the order given below:


  • succeeded. (This is the only code indicating success.)



  • pObjType, pTypeName, or pTargetSet arg is NULL.
id[in, ref] auid to be used to identify this type
pObjType[in] class def of objects permitted to be referenced
pTypeName[in, string] friendly name of this type definition
ids[in] Number of property def IDs in pTargetSet
pTargetSet[in, size_is(ids)] List of property definition IDs indicating the property where the target is to be found.

Generated on Wed Jul 4 2012 22:13:32 for AAF COM API by doxygen 1.7.4